Hunger is a Policy Choice
of Kansas children receive assistance from the free and reduced meal program.
1 in 15
Kansans utilize SNAP food assistance.
of Kansans who participate in SNAP are families with children.
Our Research
No-Cost School Nutrition
Imagine a world where every child has access to universal meals. Community Eligibility Provision, also known as universal free meals, is a viable option to make nutrition accessible to all children enrolled.
Schools that meet some basic guidelines can provide free lunch and breakfast to every student in their school.
Hunger Action Team
At Kansas Appleseed, we believe hunger is a political decision. Sign up for our Hunger Action Team updates to learn how you can advocate for effective policy change to fight hunger in Kansas.
In the News
Sister Therese Bangert writes about how a Kansas bill would move to block Summer EBT and how we got here. Read more here.
Read Our Latest Report, A Pathway to Universal Free Meals
In the breadbasket of America, no child should go hungry.
To learn more about how Kansas can achieve this goal, read our latest report, A Pathway to Universal Free Meals for All Kansas Children: The State of School Meals in Kansas.